Galleries » Adaptor Lid

Adaptor Lid



  • Title:  Adaptor Lid
  • Description:  ECOtanka Polypropylene PP#5 Lids are made from a high grade PP#5 material for longer lasting. All lids come fitted with Germany Grade silicone seal. This Adaptor lid is a two peace lid that fits a 44mm opening. This lid can fit a number of third party sipper products.
  • Owner:  ECOtanka Global Limited
  • Views:  837
  • Keywords:  adaptor lid, polypropylene, pp#5
  • Usage Restrictions:  The use of this photo is restricted by ECOtanka Global Limited. By downloading this photo you agree to only use this photo for your business for the purpose of marketing, selling or advertising ECOtanka products in the public media.
  • Copyright:  Copyright @ 2007-2017 ECOtanka Global Limited
  • Added:  Jun 14, 2017
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  •  0/5 (0 votes)

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  • Date Created: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
  • Filename: adaptor_lid_Top_View.jpg
  • File Date/Time: 1497412226
  • File Size: 169141
  • File Type: 2
  • Mime Type: image/jpeg
  • Sections Found: IFD0, APP12


